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проекты для After Effects

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Filmic Intro - After Effects Template (MotionArray)
29.08.2015, 12:28

Filmic Intro - After Effects Template (MotionArray)
After Effects Version CS5.5 - CC 2015 | 1920x1080 | No plug-in | pdf Tutorial | 22.48 Mb


Filmic Intro is an epic, fast-paced opener that is perfect for your next show open or commercial. This template features 13 image or video placeholders, and 11 unique text placeholders. Customization is a breeze. Drop you images in to the timeline, change the text, and render. It doesn't get any easier than this.

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Категория: свадебные проекты after effects | Добавил: alex-video01 | Теги: After, effects, Project, footages, videohive
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