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проекты для After Effects

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Parallax Intro - After Effects Template (Motion Array)
09.11.2015, 22:53

Parallax Intro - After Effects Template (Motion Array)
After Effects CS 5.5+ Project File | 1920x1080 (HD) | NO PLUG-INS | 168,85 MB


Parallax Intro is a unique After Effects slideshow template featuring 3d zooms and flying text. This project contains 13 image or video placeholders, 13 text placeholders, and a custom controller for further modification. No special plugins are required and its customization is super simple. Drag and drop your images or videos into the timeline, change the text, and render. Create your next slideshow with the Parallax Intro After Effects template.

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Категория: свадебные проекты after effects | Добавил: alex-video01 | Теги: effects, Project, footages, After, AE, AEP
Просмотров: 256 | Загрузок: 0 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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